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Idaho, USA

Welcome to My Page: A Space for Reflection and Dialogue about Angola

Dear readers and followers,

I would like to welcome you to this space for sharing, reflection, and dialogue, where I seek to honor the rich history, culture, and identity of Angola. As someone who lived intensely my childhood and youth in this land, I bring with me not only memories, but also a commitment to promoting a balanced, respectful, and informed view of the past and present of our country.

In this space, I share texts, articles, sonnets, and personal reflections that aim to foster understanding of often sensitive and complex topics. Angola, like any other nation, carries stories that deserve to be heard and discussed. Some of these stories are of celebration, while others are of pain, exile, and longing. However, they are all part of the construction of who we are today.

My goal is simple: to create an environment where different voices, whether Angolan, Portuguese-Angolan, Portuguese or of any other origin, can engage in constructive dialogue. This is a space where the exchange of ideas is encouraged, as long as it is based on mutual respect and, whenever possible, on verifiable sources. Each post shared here, whether a sonnet in the style of The Lusiads or an article on the history of Angola, is my own and was created based on careful research and personal reflection.

I know that some may interpret certain posts critically, especially when it comes to historical and political issues. But I want to emphasize that I am not here to denigrate Angola or to rewrite its history unfairly. I am here to illuminate different perspectives and enrich our collective understanding of the trajectory of this country that many of us call home. Far from being a space for confrontation, this is a forum for dialogue, where constructive criticism is always welcome.

Therefore, I invite you to interact, share your own experiences, and contribute to a more comprehensive view of Angola. If you disagree with something that is published here, I only ask that you bring arguments and sources that will allow us to learn together. After all, it is only through mutual respect and reasoned debate that we can grow as a community.

My page is open to everyone: returnees, Angolans, and anyone interested in learning more about the complexity of this magnificent country. Feel free to share the posts and help the information published here reach more people.

Thank you for being here and for being part of this dialogue.

With much respect,
João Elmiro da Rocha Chaves

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