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The Moon Dance

Project Type



September 2024


Idaho, USA

In the stillness of the night, under the vigilant gaze of the full moon, Lívia, the guardian of the waters, emerged from the lake. Her body seemed sculpted by nature itself, and the dress she wore was not made of common fabric but of the very essence of the lake, floating and merging with the waters around her.

With each movement, the moon reflected in her eyes, as if she had captured a piece of that distant star. Her arms stretched toward the sky, and the water dress unfolded into cascades that danced with her, lifting bright droplets that returned to the lake like a shower of stars.

Lívia was not an ordinary woman; she was an ancient spirit, a daughter of the moon and the lake, destined to dance for the moon on nights like that, when the world of men slept and spirits gathered to celebrate the harmony between heaven and earth.

As she danced, the waters whispered secrets in their ancient tongue, songs of bygone eras and forgotten loves. The moon, enchanted by the sight of her daughter dancing, shone even brighter, flooding the lake and the surrounding forest with its silver light.

It was an endless dance, a celebration of the union between the elements. Lívia danced for the moon, and the moon danced with her, in an eternal cycle of light and water, life and mystery. And so, on that magical night, under the veil of silence, the moon's dance became legend—a story told by the waters and whispered by the wind, echoing throughout eternity.


In water's mirror, 'neath the full moon's glow,
A nymph now dances, daughter of the tide,
Who on a calm night, without fear or pride,
Embraces light that shadows seem to sow.

Her mantle made of water round her flows,
Each step she takes, the night does backward slide,
The haughty moon, that keeps the heavens wide,
Enfolds the lake where souls in silence go.

O ethereal nymph, your dance inspires,
The star that clothes your body with its light,
And in each gesture, all your charm transpires.

In waters calm, where night is dressed in white,
Your figure, which the silence so admires,
Eternally invests in lunar rite.

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