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Before All: A Sonnet of Advice

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Idaho, USA

Today, I wish to share with you a sonnet that reflects not just words, but the principles I have sought to live by throughout my journey. Each line of this sonnet is an echo of the lessons I have embraced, the values that have shaped every decision and step I have taken.

This sonnet, titled “Antes de Tudo: Um Sonneto de Conselho” (First of All: A Sonnet of Advice), is more than poetry; it is a guide, a beacon that lights the way in times of doubt and celebration. These are simple yet powerful principles that I hope will inspire you as much as they have inspired me.

As we read these lines together, may we reflect on the deeper meaning of each word and how they can influence our own lives. May this sonnet be a reminder to us, a compass that guides us to live fully and truly.

Title: “Before Everything: A Sonnet of Advice”

Before praying, believe firmly in the divine,
Before speaking, listen to the wise man and the boy,
Before spending, seek the fruit of your labor,
Before writing, think with pure fervor.

Before giving up, try once more, because,
Before dying, live the days that are yours,
This is the path, the heavens teach,
Wise lessons in verses are your beacons.

Walk strong through life with such a guide,
That with each step, your soul is illuminated.
On the long road, ethics is your friend,

With it, face the tide that forces you.
Believe, listen, win, think, try, live,
In each action, a lesson that captivates.

May the journeys we take be long and full of health, peace, love, prosperity and happiness. May each day bring with it new opportunities to grow, love and be happy.
I hope this sonnet serves as a reminder to embrace life with enthusiasm and courage, living each moment with gratitude and joy.

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