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Confronting the Shadows

Project Type



Sept 2023


Idaho, USA


In "Confronting the Shadows," I explored the transformative power of love and understanding in the face of disdain and hatred. In writing this sonnet, I was inspired by the idea that our personal radiance and uniqueness can sometimes provoke negative reactions in others. Yet, I believe that these challenges offer an opportunity to bridge divides rather than deepen them. I wanted to express my unwavering commitment to embracing diversity and fostering unity through this poem. I hope to convey that by confronting animosity with compassion and hope, we can plant seeds that renew the light of understanding and bring us closer together.

When my radiance sparks your disdain,
And stirs the demons you hold inside,
It means truths await, wide-eyed and wide,
To turn your hatred into love’s refrain.

In diversity, I proudly remain,
Showing the world that differences don't divide,
But they build bridges, side by side,
Uniting distant shores through joy and pain.

Enemies, understand this undying creed:
The love I emit and the peace I feed,
Are mightier than any scorn you spew.

And if against me your shadows proceed,
With passion and hope, I'll plant the seed,
And the light of understanding will renew.

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