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Idaho, USA

Hispania was the name given by the Romans to the Iberian Peninsula, representing one of the oldest records of an identity that would come to shape the history of Portugal and Spain. This territory, divided into several provinces, was the heart of Roman culture and power in the Iberian Peninsula. Over time, these provinces evolved, leaving a profound legacy that resonates to this day.

Sonnet: The Legacy of Hispania

In the vast lands of ancient power,
Hispania rose, proud and sovereign,
Sowing knowledge in the human soul,
Inheriting the spirit and will of Rome.

In the provinces that time has made flourish,
Lusitania, Gallaecia and Baetica pride themselves,
Carthage, which is not mistaken in war,
Tarraco, guardian of Roman life.

The Balearic Islands and Tingitana were united,
In the last ages of a falling empire,
But the legacy, in stone and soul, was established.

Today, in every corner of this land,
The echoes of a past that does not give in vibrate,
Hispania, in history, is immortalized, rare.

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