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The Shelter of My Soul

Project Type



September 2024


Idaho, USA

There is something unique about returning home, that intimate space that welcomes and protects us, where every corner reflects our essence. Home is not just a physical place, but an emotional refuge, where the heart is quiet and the spirit finds peace. Inspired by this feeling of belonging and comfort, this sonnet was created, dedicated to the profound pleasure of being at home.

I love to enter the door that calls me,
And see the home that shelters my life,
Feel the air of calm reborn,
While the soul in peace already spills out.

I hear life in the walls,
Each corner is an echo telling me,
That being here is much more than just being,
It is being happy where love ignites me.

Sitting and watching the world far away,
While the house envelops and calms me,
In the silence I find the loving moment.

Staying like this is what fills my soul,
The eternal, faithful and constant shelter,
Where time softens me and does not overwhelm me.

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