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Reading Report: The Social and Philosophical Ideas of the Estado Novo

Project Type

Reading Report




Idaho, USA

Title: The Social and Philosophical Ideas of the Estado Novo
Author: Manuel Anselmo
Publisher: Livraria Tavares Martins
Place of Publication: Porto
Year of Publication: Not specified

The book The Social and Philosophical Ideas of the Estado Novo, written by Manuel Anselmo, offers an in-depth analysis of the ideological foundations that supported the Estado Novo regime in Portugal, led by António de Oliveira Salazar. Anselmo focuses on the philosophical, political and social structures that shaped the regime, highlighting the importance of conservatism and nationalism as central pillars of this political era.

Structure and Content
The author organizes his work around fundamental themes that supported the Estado Novo. He begins by addressing the philosophical influences that shaped the regime, emphasizing the role of Catholic social thought and corporatism as alternatives to liberalism and communism, considered threats to national stability.

One of the central points discussed is the idea of "social harmony", which Anselmo describes as the basis of the corporatist system. In this structure, the State mediated relations between capital and labor to avoid class conflict. The author argues that corporatism sought to represent economic and social interests without resorting to liberal or Marxist systems, which generated social divisions.

Political and Social Ideology
Manuel Anselmo details the regime's emphasis on authority, discipline and order. He attributes great importance to Salazar's role as a leader, describing him as a paternalistic figure who guided the nation, protecting it from external influences and maintaining internal order.

The book also highlights the three fundamental pillars defended by the Estado Novo: family, religion and country. The Catholic Church played an essential role in the construction of the regime's policies, strongly influencing education and moral standards in Portuguese society.

Philosophy of the State
Anselmo presents the Estado Novo as an alternative between liberal and communist regimes, arguing that Salazar's proposal was a "middle ground" between liberal anarchy and Marxist totalitarianism. He defends the concept of an "organic state", where all sectors of society collaborate in harmony, avoiding class conflicts.

The author also discusses the idea of "national self-sufficiency", addressing the cultural and economic isolation that the Estado Novo encouraged as a way of preserving Portugal's identity and traditional values. The regime promoted internal development, limiting external influences to avoid what Anselmo saw as possible cultural corruption.

Critical Analysis
Although Manuel Anselmo presents a favorable view of the regime, highlighting its values of stability and order, he does not address in depth the most criticized aspects of the Estado Novo, such as political repression, censorship and the lack of civil liberties. For a reader seeking a more balanced analysis of the period, this omission is relevant.

The work is therefore a valuable source for those who wish to understand the ideological structure of the Estado Novo. However, it is necessary to complement the reading with other works that deal with the negative aspects of the regime, especially with regard to repressive policies and the consequences of colonization and the wars of independence in the Portuguese colonies.

Manuel Anselmo's The Social and Philosophical Ideas of the Estado Novo is a work that reflects the conservative and authoritarian ideology of a remarkable era in the history of Portugal. The author makes a detailed analysis of the principles that underpinned Salazar's regime, but the lack of critical reflection on the negative effects of the regime makes the book a reading that should be done with caution. For a full understanding of the complexity of the Estado Novo, it is recommended to complement the work with other readings that address the social, political and economic impact of this period.

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