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Book Report on Deixar África (1974-1977) by Alexandra Marques

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Idaho, USA


Deixar África (1974-1977) by Alexandra Marques is a scholarly yet emotionally resonant account of the Portuguese exodus from Angola and Mozambique during the decolonization process. Drawing from her doctoral research, Marques investigates the often-neglected stories of the Portuguese settlers, also known as "retornados," who were forced to leave their homes amidst political turmoil and civil war. The book places their personal and collective traumas at the center, framing their experiences within the broader historical context of the post-25 de Abril Revolution in Portugal and the simultaneous collapse of the Portuguese Empire​ (Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online)(RTP África).

Historical Context and Structure

The book's primary focus is the chaotic period between 1974 and 1977, a time when Angola and Mozambique were on the brink of independence. The events following the Portuguese Carnation Revolution led to a rapid and disorganized decolonization process, marked by violence, power struggles, and a mass exodus of Portuguese nationals. Marques meticulously documents the socio-economic collapse in both former colonies, where once-thriving expatriate communities faced hostile nationalist movements and the collapse of colonial governance ​(Alma-Lusa)​(RTP África).

The narrative is divided into sections that explore key themes:

The Carnation Revolution and Political Promises: Marques begins by detailing how the promises made by post-revolutionary Portuguese military and political leaders contributed to the unraveling of Portuguese control in Africa. The rhetoric of equality and the rights of former colonists are contrasted with the harsh realities on the ground.

Expropriation and Loss: A major section of the book deals with the legal and social mechanisms of expropriation. The Portuguese who had lived for generations in Angola and Mozambique found their properties seized, savings depleted, and livelihoods destroyed. The loss of economic security was profound, with little to no compensation offered by the new independent governments or the Portuguese state.

The Journey of the Retornados: The trauma of displacement is vividly recounted. Marques describes harrowing scenes of Portuguese citizens fleeing under dangerous conditions, often leaving everything behind. Many ended up in refugee camps like those in Nova Lisboa, Angola, which Marques compares to Nazi concentration camps due to their horrific conditions ​(Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online)​(Alma-Lusa).

Psychological Impact and Cultural Clash: The book also delves into the psychological toll on those who fled, examining how the Portuguese returning to the mainland struggled with feelings of displacement, cultural shock, and prejudice. Often viewed as economic burdens or remnants of an imperialist past, the retornados faced significant challenges in reintegrating into Portuguese society ​(RTP África).

Key Events Highlighted

Some of the critical historical events detailed in the book include:

1. The September 7, 1974 Incident in Lourenço Marques (Maputo): Marques discusses the unrest in Mozambique's capital that resulted in violent confrontations between Portuguese settlers and FRELIMO, the nationalist movement ​(Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online)​(Alma-Lusa).

2. The October 21, 1974 Massacre of Whites: This lesser-known episode in Mozambique's history involved targeted violence against Portuguese civilians by armed factions, reflecting the deep tensions during the transfer of power ​(RTP África)​(Alma-Lusa).

3. Secret Negotiations with FRELIMO: The clandestine talks between Portuguese officials and FRELIMO leaders, held in Tanzania, are another pivotal moment described in the book, showing the complex diplomacy that characterized the decolonization process ​(RTP África

Analysis of the Retornados' Trauma

At the heart of Deixar África is the exploration of trauma—both individual and collective. Marques offers a poignant analysis of how the retornados felt abandoned by both the colonial governments they had supported and the new regimes that rejected them. In addition, the Portuguese government’s failure to protect their citizens or provide adequate resources upon their return to Portugal is a major point of critique. Many retornados were left to fend for themselves in a country still reeling from the political changes of the Carnation Revolution, leading to economic hardship and deep psychological scars ​(RTP África)​(Alma-Lusa).

The book positions the retornados' trauma as a historically significant, yet often overlooked, consequence of decolonization. Marques suggests that this displacement was not just a logistical challenge but a profound cultural and identity crisis for the retornados. Their experience reflects the collapse of the broader "Luso-tropicalist" ideal, which imagined Portuguese colonialism as benign and integrative ​(Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online)​(
RTP África).

Relevance and Legacy

Marques' research is groundbreaking in its willingness to tackle a dark chapter of Portuguese history, often overshadowed by the narrative of liberation and post-colonial nation-building. The book's emphasis on the emotional and psychological costs of decolonization serves as a reminder that history is lived through the experiences of individuals, not just political actions or military campaigns.

Her detailed examination of the Portuguese exodus raises important questions about identity, belonging, and the lasting effects of colonialism. It also draws attention to the policies of both the colonial and post-revolutionary Portuguese governments, calling into question the adequacy of their responses to the crisis​ (Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online
)​(RTP África)​(Salesforce Commerce Cloud).


Deixar África is an essential read for those interested in the decolonization of Africa, the fall of the Portuguese Empire, and the human consequences of these geopolitical changes. By combining thorough research with a compassionate portrayal of the retornados' plight, Alexandra Marques provides a vital perspective on a neglected aspect of 20th-century history. The book offers both a scholarly analysis of historical events and an emotional exploration of the lasting impacts of displacement and loss.


1. Bertrand Bookstore ​(Bertrand Livreiros - livraria Online)
2. Alma-Lusa Blog​ (Alma-Lusa)
3. Auchan Bookstore​(Salesforce Commerce Cloud)
4. RTP África ​(RTP África)

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